PREMISE PhD Scholarship

Commencing Semester 2, 2018 – Stipend of $27,082 per annum over 3 years

The Centre of Research Excellence in PRevention and Early intervention in Mental Illness and Substance use (PREMISE) at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) is offering one PhD scholarship to carry out innovative prevention and early intervention mental health or substance use research. It is expected that the successful applicant will enrol in Semester 2, 2018 through the School of Public Health and Community Medicine, UNSW Sydney.
NDARC provides a highly supportive study environment, with excellent facilities including desk space, regular training opportunities, computer access and statistical support. The scholarship will be indexed annually to align with the Australian Research Training Program (RTP) scheme stipend rate, with the opportunity for additional paid employment. Since its inception in 1987, over 58 students have successfully completed a PhD at NDARC, at a success rate of over 90%. Our research is of the highest quality: NDARC PhD candidates and staff publish in both general medical and health journals, such as The Lancet and the Medical Journal of Australia, and the most influential specialist drug and alcohol journals. Our research is often multi-disciplinary in nature, creating strong opportunities for research that overlaps with related disciplines, including mental health, criminal justice, and socio-economically disadvantaged and minority groups.
Applicants should have a strong honours degree in one of the behavioural sciences (psychology, public health or a related discipline) and knowledge of EEO/AA principles and policies. Applicants must also satisfy the University of New South Wales requirements for enrolment in a PhD ( Experience in the drug and alcohol field is desirable, although not essential.
To apply, applicants must submit the following via email to Kate.ross [at ];
  • Brief thesis proposal
  • Academic Transcript
  • CV
  • A completed application form, as well as any attachments outlined in the form.
*Note – the student must nominate a supervisor on the application form. The
supervisor must be an CREMS Academic and it is expected that applicants
will have made contact with the proposed supervisor prior to submission of an

Scholarship closes: 30th April 2018
UNSW enrolment closes: 30th May 2018
Program start: Semester 2, 2018
Enquires: A/Prof Nicola Newton (n.newton [at]
For information about enrolment, please see: